Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pajama Day and other December Action

Kindergartners came to school in their pajamas and we read THE POLAR EXPRESS. Each child received a bell and hot chocolate just like in the story! It was a very festive day!!
As part of art we painted poinsettias using the technique of pointillism. We had many compliments on this project! Way to go, kindergartners!
We also had candy cane day. Can you find any kids dressed for candy cane day in these photos?

Run! Run! As fast as you can!

We read many versions of the "gingerbread boy" story and compared and contrasted the various books. Students practiced retelling the story using character puppets from the tale.

A "First Bite Graph" was constructed too. Each student was given a gingerbread cookie and instructed to take just one bite. Our graph illustrates which piece students ate first (head, an arm or a leg).

We had Nick, a 2nd grader, who used to be in Mrs.Kapsner's kindergarten class come and read us GINGERBREAD FRIENDS. That was a real treat!

Dancing and Prancing Reindeer

Our kindergarten artists are amazing!!! We had a step-by-step reindeer drawing lesson. Next students painted the reindeer and added a frozen foreground and background to their drawings.